Video, TV & more

Although video production was just a small hobby besides making music. It grew out to something more serious in just a few years. As skills where gained and optimised. We’ve been ask to help on project and have been able to work with and learn from great people.

All our projects related to video’s will be in collaboration with Will Get It Productions. For several years we produced video’s for artists and an international part of an American TV show from Nashville.

You can hire us to cover events, music clips, interviews and other projects. Get the raw material or let us edit the complete video for you, all is possible.

For several years we’ve supported Will Get It Production & Ten2Media with the production of the international part of Cashville Live. A music tv show from Nashville, Tennessee. We’ve created a logo for this part of the show. Edited most of the episodes of the international part. Shot like 50% of the material of the episodes we’ve edited. Created artworks for the show and sponsors and used to keep up the website as well. (not live anymore)

The show was broadcasted on Fox & 3 local channels in the USA.